British Orthodox Saints
There are many Saints of the British Isles who are recognised as Saints by the Orthodox Church, some of the best-known include:
Saint Columba of Iona, an Irish missiosnary monk, founded the abbey on the Isle of Iona in Scotland, which became a dominant religious and cultural instituion in early medieval Europe. Please click here for more information.
Troparion (Tone 8): Thou wast privileged to live in the age of Saints, O Father Kevin, being baptized by one Saint, taught by another and buried by a third. Pray to God that He will raise up Saints in our day to help, support and guide us into the way of salvation. More information on Saint Kevin here.
Saint Melangell, also known as Monacella, is celebrated for her dedication to a life of prayer and her protection of wildlife, famously sheltering a hare from hunters, as recounted in her hagiography. For more reading click here.
Saint Machar of Aberdeen
Feast day: 12 November
Saint Machar is one of four Saints of Aberdeenshire. Find out more about Scottish Orthodox Saints.
Saint Hilda Abbess of Whitby
Feast day: 17 November
Saint Hilda (Hild) is one of the most venerated female saints in England. And is also known as "The Abbess of the English People."